Well, we are not exactly sure when the siren started and are not 100% sure why! A cute campsite under a light house in an area called the point? It was a little misty when we retired to our tent so, Lighthouse = dangerous rocks = FOGHORN! It was pretty loud, but only sounded a few times during the night. Therefore, that is our logical explanation.
After a short conversation with our fellow campers, we now know what it was. Quite a surprise but the loud siren was the school's bell, which just happens to be broken at the moment so turns on at random times!
We packed up the tent, discussed the local wildlife with our fellow campers and headed out of town. Next stop Wilderness.
We had lunch at the beach. Not just any beach but a huge, gorgeous one. Inland at Wilderness there was a lot of pretty hikes and small villages. Afterwards we headed to Sedgefield, where we were the only people on a beautiful deserted beach. We sat on and watched the ocean. Christine thought she saw a whale, and then another. There was so many but they were not whales .... They were dolphins. A huge pod swimming past, maybe 50. Some headed towards the beach to play in the breaking waves. We watched on as they surfed in perfect harmony. How excited were we!
We drove to Buffalo Bay, which was stunning. A small beach filled with holiday homes and noone around except a few surfers and a stand up paddle boarder. We watched as they enjoyed the surf with the dolphins. What a beautiful place, so calm and with a really nice vibe. We eventually tore ourselves away and carried on The N2 road to Knysna. We will be in Knysna now for the next few days.

After a short conversation with our fellow campers, we now know what it was. Quite a surprise but the loud siren was the school's bell, which just happens to be broken at the moment so turns on at random times!
We packed up the tent, discussed the local wildlife with our fellow campers and headed out of town. Next stop Wilderness.
We had lunch at the beach. Not just any beach but a huge, gorgeous one. Inland at Wilderness there was a lot of pretty hikes and small villages. Afterwards we headed to Sedgefield, where we were the only people on a beautiful deserted beach. We sat on and watched the ocean. Christine thought she saw a whale, and then another. There was so many but they were not whales .... They were dolphins. A huge pod swimming past, maybe 50. Some headed towards the beach to play in the breaking waves. We watched on as they surfed in perfect harmony. How excited were we!
We drove to Buffalo Bay, which was stunning. A small beach filled with holiday homes and noone around except a few surfers and a stand up paddle boarder. We watched as they enjoyed the surf with the dolphins. What a beautiful place, so calm and with a really nice vibe. We eventually tore ourselves away and carried on The N2 road to Knysna. We will be in Knysna now for the next few days.