Up early this morning to make our way to the centre of Sydney. We got a lift to the station and caught a train to Town Hall station.
It took about an hour and was a new and spotless double decker train. It was fairly full by the end of the journey with Sydney commuters.
A short walk from the station took is into Hyde Park. We spent quite some time at the Anzac War Memorial. In the library, which contained loads of war history books, we met an expert who explained the history of Australia's contribution to various wars. At 11am there was a service to remember the soldiers followed by 'The Last Post' and a minute silence.
Our next stop was to visit the Philippine Embassy to apply for our visas. Following submission of our application forms we left our passports and headed towards Darling Harbour for a look around. We went to The Rocks and Sydney Harbour Bridge. We could just glimpse the Opera House on the other side of the harbour due to the view being blocked by an enormous cruise ship! Sydney really is a beautiful city!
We did a few essential tasks whilst in the centre before returning to the Philippine Embassy to collect our passport, complete with visa attached. We then catching the train back out to the suburbs. After we arrived we visited the Woolworths food store across the road, stocked up on desert and walked back to our friends. It was a pleasant but very hit walk!
The evening was spent eating and chatting before bed ...