We woke up earlier this morning to catch the 8.38 train to Phitansulok. The train station was virtually across the road from our hotel and we had already purchased our 3rd class tickets.
The tickets seemed way more expensive than the last train so we are wondering if we should investigate the class below.
The scenery changed from a small town landscape to open rice paddies and lotus flower lakes. A very beautiful sight that we have missed before because last time we were on a sleeper train during the night. The lady opposite kindly shared her fruit with us. We are not exactly sure what it was but it tasted like peas. It looked like pods similar to peas but much larger. Green in colour with a litttle pink on them too. Inside, the part you ate was white and contained a very hard and shiny black seed.
The train rolled in at our stop a few minutes late. We grabbed our bags, jumped off and searched for a hotel. We found a quaint room in a good location at a reasonable price. Lunch was calling and after walking for a short time, we found a good restaurant located on a street corner.
After we had filled up on pork and rice we went to find the must-see sights of Phitansulok. There were some interesting temples to view. The first had no tourists and the most friendly and jovial monks. The second and most famous had hundreds of tourists in large groups with their guides. The atmosphere was completely different and we left fairly quickly.
We walked along the river as the sunset and managed to dodge the cool evening joggers. A night market was setting up selling mostly clothes. We walked through it but nothing drew us in enough to make a purchase.
A small store was selling fresh soya milk. We bought a white and grey bottle (the grey also contained black beans). Next stop was a little shop selling rice soup. A bowl each with egg and chilli filled the gap. We walked back to our hotel and that was where we stayed for the rest of the evening.