After breakfast of rice, sweetcorn, boiled egg and toast, we headed out to explore. Unfortunately Mandalay is s huge city and everything is very spread out. We headed to take a look at the Mandalay Palace. We walked along the moat on one side and must have covered a good 3km and were offered a tour of the city by at least 3 taxi drivers and 2 motorbike taxis! The midday sun was getting hotter and hotter so we headed back to the air conditioned hotel.
We had arranged to have dinner with our Canadian friends at the same 'sizzler' restaurant as yesterday. This time we also tried another interesting noodle dish. We have no idea what it is, it looks like noodles in custard but tastes savoury and very good!
We then headed to the cinema in the Mall for the 9.30pm showing of the movie Alita - in 3D. It was an excellent movie, all the more enjoyable being in 3D.